My Spirit Guide (First Encounter)

“What are you doing here?” he asked from the maple tree.

“Working,” I replied, “I’m cleaning this cart.”

I stopped when I realized I was talking to a blackbird. The red wings spread out as he spoke.

“I mean, what are you doing here?”

“Again, I’m cleaning this cart. How are you speaking to me in this voice?”

“From time-to-time we animals speak to humans. You’re familiar with the story of Balaam?” the blackbird asked.

“Hmm, wasn’t it an ass that stopped Balaam from cursing the Israelites?”

“True but back to my question, what are you doing here, right now? Shouldn’t you be working on something else?”

“Where else should I be? I’m working. You know, honest labor and all that.” I went back to wiping down the cart.

“But what about your plans that you announced and promised that you would accomplish? What happened?”

“I don’t remember making a promise to a bird. I don’t remember making a promise to anyone. Besides, I don’t know why I’m talking to you.”

“I’m your spirit guide.”

“Some spirit guide, gone half the year.”

“But Central America is so warm in December,” he lifted his head to the sun. “Listen, you stated to yourself and to others of this wondrous plan and you’ve only slightly moved forward. How can you complete your projects if you’re cleaning carts all day? You need time to work and not work all the time.”

“Kind of like ‘work smarter, not harder?’”

The blackbird sputtered, “I’ll not be mocked! I’m here to help remind you of your duties, to yourself and to your words.”

“Okay, I didn’t mean to… ruffle your feathers,” I couldn’t hide the smirk. “I’ll find time each day now that I’m sleeping better and can get organized, set deadlines and all that. I’ll get there but I have bills to pay, trees to plant, fences to build...”

“See to it! I want to see some progress.”

I nodded in agreement. I had to admit I was slacking off lately getting my words out.

“Oh, and one more thing,” the blackbird called.


I then realized that my spirit guide was an ass after all.

 Linked at Poets and Storytellers United, Writers' Pantry #69: I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot!

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