Of words and doubt

Why put words into poetry
or write ideas into prose?
Can I create something brilliant
writing "a rose is just a rose?"

That small voice over there
in that dark familiar corner.
If I ended this facade
would there be a single mourner?

Yes that doubt of self
whispers in the left ear
but could be drowned out
when other voices come near.

But words are still heard
in rhythm or in rhymes
when there is one more story
that shows up here sometimes.

On wings of those dreams
or from the wind on the hill
the words are for the taking
and take them I... might.
All the stories locked away still to be shared (if those voices of doubt are drowned out) when the winds are calm and the work is closer to caught up.
In the mean time...

A little yellow to brighten up your day

Posted at Poets and Storytellers United: Weekly Scribblings #30: Writing as a Metaphor for Living


  1. A rose is not JUST a rose! And your stories always have much to offer.

    1. And a stone is not a metaphor!

      As always, your words lift me up, instruct and give hope that someday those stories will finally be shared. (At least some of them)

  2. Life is beautiful with these stories.............

    1. That is so true. Life is certainly better when stories are shared. Thank you, Vandana.

  3. I imagine many people ask those questions, Joel, but only writers can answer them, especially when the words are there for the taking!

    1. Quite often in my case but frustrating when you come up with a certain combination while driving or performing a task and promptly fail to write it down.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kim.

  4. I had to laugh at the end when the expected word "will' is in fact "might'.

    1. Ha! Then I've accomplished something great when someone laughs at a punch line. Thank you, Robin.

  5. Words, whether comforting or not are there for the taking....and what a brilliant last line. I'm clapping!!!!

    1. If I can't inspire or inform, then I wish to entertain. Mission accomplished! Thanks, Vivian.

  6. Well said, Joel. I was amazed when I read this how similar it was to my thoughts as I wrote mine! Great minds?!

    1. I think this is the third or fourth time we've done something similar, isn't it? Thanks, Beverly.

  7. Wow, what a cute poem.
    Happy Wednesday Joel


    1. Thank you, Gillena. I hope your Wednesday went well.

  8. Love this especially; "On wings of those dreams or from the wind on the hill the words are for the taking and take them I... might."💝

    1. I thought the zing at the end might work. I;m glad you liked it. Thanks, Sanaa.

  9. That small voice (that can be so adept at screaming in whispers) is always there, isn't it? Always muttering about wasted times and who would cares. When I feel like that, I go back to reread comments that touched me, the words of readers who pay attention and care to share their thoughts. Those words are great at reminding us who will miss our ink.

    Also, what Rosemary said!

    1. Sound advice, Magaly. The community is very good to encourage one another.
      To think that someone might miss my ink is something I will have to ponder.
      Thank you for that thought.

    2. Joel, you seem to have posted to P&SU only when I wasn't there. If I hadn't been going back to read all the posts in order I wouldn't have seen this. Let's just say that I think the world currently needs all the literate land-loving small farmers it has and a few thousand more...and your poems would be greatly missed. Not only by those who read them, either. You're part of an important minority that some people are trying to erase. Don't let them.

    3. Thank you so much for your kind words, Priscilla. Kinder than I deserve.
      I have posted as a different form but these last 6 months have been very dry (because of work, mostly)
      I will return someday soon.
      Thank you, again

  10. I've heard that little voice too. And some days I can only manage to whisper back at it, "Am not wasting my time" even if I don't fully believe myself. But even if all we can manage is half-hearted back talk at the inner critic it's good to remind it that it isn't the boss of you. And as Magaly said, it helps to go and listen to other voices, the ones that encouraged you, instead.

    1. You all are very good at that and I thank you for reminding me, Rommy.

  11. Might? Oh, you'll take them, all right--and you and your readers will soar!

  12. "might"!! Nice touch. Nicely penned and it has a nice lilting rhythm.


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